About The Author
Zahid Ali Raja
Zahid Ali is a younger Entrepreneur managing a number of sites from his living room. He is a qualified Search engine optimization Professional, Computer Engineer, Specialized Blogger & an passionate Web Developer.
Zahid Ali began blogging in March just after finishing his Graduation. He started taking interest in tweaking Blogger Templates by thoroughly reading articles online. His hunger for studying and being familiar with latest web technologies like HTML4, CSS3, PHP and JavaScript outfitted him with an excellent art of web designing. He is now a web designer by all rights without having taken any professional training.

The objective of creating MBL BLOG was to provide high quality Blogging tips, web designing tutorials, practical SEO tips and Online earning methods. Each post is posted with a hope so that every blogger may learn the core basics to build himself as a qualified entrepreneur, act as a rich resource to the online community and make a happy living online.
respect Copyrights, your Readers and hate Blogging for money alone.
Please remember to be pleased to GOD Almighty for giving you with the ability to read and write. Everyone of you is a born guru, you just need to acknowledgeyour God gifted possibilities. Wishing you all a happing Blogging career. Stay blessed and be happy always. Peace and blessings be upon you all. "
Zahid Ali